Thursday, July 9, 2009

Independence Day -- by Nikki

For those people that know me, you know how much I love the 4th of July Holiday and how proud I am to be an American. I grew up in an area where people are proud of who they are and the country we live in. Where I come from, people fly flags and more importantly stand up and put their hand on their heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance. We honor veterans and say our prayers every day to thank the God above for those men and women who gave their lives in the name of Freedom and those that continue to fight each and every day for the freedom we enjoy. Next to my Dad, Mom, Husband and Family, George Washington is and forever will be my Hero. And on a daily basis, I question why the people running our country today cannot be more like our Founding Fathers of yesteryear. (Yes I am making a broad assumption . .I know there are good men/women in politics . .but they are few).

So yes, this past week, my Son and I dawned our Red, White, & Blue. And as long as I can dress him, it will be this way. I am not meaning to start a political debate. It honestly makes my heart ache to see the next generation and the flippancy and disrespect they have for this great Nation of ours. Again a sweeping generalization . . .but . .draw your own conclusions.

Yes I get teary eyed when I sing the Star Spangled Banner, yes I get choked up hearing the stories of war and of veterans, yes I will teach my Son the great meaning behind the US Flag, yes I will teach him about the character of our founding fathers and those great men that had a vision far beyond themselves, And yes, regardless of the day or Holiday we are celebrating, I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!

I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. -- George Washington

1 comment:

Burke family said...

I love it Nikki! Idaho girls are proud to be American! Nothing like those Oregon boys and their Oregon pride. :)