Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hunter Romney Burke finally decided to join our family Monday, Feb. 9 at 6:38 PM. Weighing in at surprising 10 lbs, 5 oz and measuring an astounding 24 inches, he is happy, healthy and quiet. Although, we’re not quite sure where he came from, we’re happy he’s here.

Nikki was a trooper throughout the process. After 20+ hours of labor, we decided it was time for a c-section. It was a great call since she is so tiny, and he is so big. All in all, it was a weird and wonderful experience. I didn’t think it was possible, but I think I love my wife a little more now.

Favorite quotes from the experience:

-Nikki’s doctor during surgery - “He’s out, and we’re going to have him walk over to meet you.”
-In the nursery – Brendan: “Wow, look at all those premies.” Nurse: “Uh, those are regular sized babies… yours is just a moose.”
*Let it be known that “Moose” is not his official nickname. It’s “Tank.”

“It’s me… with my sweet faux hawk”:

Still a little swollen, but we’ll keep him:

The first yawn:

“In this corner, weighing in at 10 lbs, 5 oz….. it’s Hunter ‘The Taaaaaaaaaaaaank’ Burke!” Ding, ding, ding:
We put him immediately to work holding his own pacifier: