Nikki tells me that we don't want to turn into bloggers that only post photos of their children. Apparently, "it's tacky." Oh well, I'm cleaning out the iPhone and need to immortalize a few of my favorite Hunter moments:
"Rollin' in my 0.0 with the ragtop down so my hair can blow..."

Our neighbors probably hate the pool as much as Hunter loves it.
The kid vaccumed the entire downstairs last Saturday, no joke.
Mixing his two favorite things, cars & ladies.
Spaghetti wins again.

Desperately trying to escape Nikki's clutches.

At the price we paid, that car seat had better be comfortable.

Sportin' the lady shades.

Jammin' with cousin Brynnlee.

Helping with the dishes? Not so much.

The natural faux hawk. Is there any other way?
This one makes me laugh. Apparently, my son was once a chubbly, little German kid.